Get in touch
Social imprint is important to us and our employees. How does GPM care?
In addition to its own involvement in various charities, GPM facilitates donations to a list of well deserving charitable organisations, through its Mobile App and Online portal.
Our commitment
Every year, $3 for each member is budgeted to give back to various charities and community programs. That amount is either given back to our clients by the means of contributing to their particular cause or donated to various charities in their community. We also give members of our new GPM clients the option to spend their one-time 88 GPM Dollars on one of the charities from our approved list.

Family is one of our core values, but also the driving force behind the non-profit organisation we founded
We hold the idea of giving back near to our hearts which is why we are happy to facilitate a donation process for our customers’ employees. To help them get started, $88 are provided to the employees of each new client through our GPM dollars program, money that can be used to donate to the organization of their choice. One of those choices is our founder’s non-profit organization, Family At The Forefront, which provides services to families who have a parent diagnosed with a critical illness.

We talk the talk and walk the walk
Our values are not just words.
They are the pillars on which our company was founded.